
Pension wave in education higher than in other years

In the first nine months of 2020, more than 12.000 employees have retired from education. That is more than 3.000 more than the average over the past four years. This certainly has to do with the early retirement age and perhaps also with the corona crisis.

Tekst Robert Sikkes - redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Image: Pixabay

It was to be expected that the pension wave would be higher than usual. For the group of people who will retire in 2020, the state pension age will be four months earlier for a large number. As a result, in January and February between 50 and 60 percent more people applied for a pension from the General Civil Pension Fund (ABP) than in the previous four years. The summer peak is much smaller compared to previous years and fluctuates between 5 and 18 percent, depending on the education sector.

Corona effect

A large 'corona effect' is not yet visible in the ABP figures. The AOb expects the impact of the corona crisis on the number of education workers retiring. Chair Eugenie Stolk: "This uncertain time makes education staff think. The older generation is scratching their heads: hybrid education, all the unrest, the concerns about possible contamination. A number of them would like to stop earlier, we will certainly get those signals. That is very understandable and at the same time a disaster for the teacher shortage."

The pension peak is a disaster for the teacher shortage

The extra outflow in primary education in August and September was the highest of all education sectors at a plus of 18 percent, but lagged far behind the enormous peak in pension applications in January and February.


average number 2016-2019 2020 difference difference in percent
po 3518 4676 1158 33%
vo 2409 3165 756 31%
mbo 1448 1999 551 38%
hbo 786 1146 360 45%
wo 1051 1451 400 38%
total 9212 12437 3225 35%
(Source: ABP, editing: AOb)

Also read: 'The teacher shortage continues'

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