world map


What happens in the Netherlands is not separate from what happens in the rest of the world. That's why we work as AOb also outside the Netherlands, together with others, to a strong professional group, to high-quality and accessible education and to strong trade unions. We do this to strengthen our own efforts and role in the Netherlands, but also to be stronger together internationally. We support unions in countries where unions are struggling and the quality of education is often low.

International union work

Decisions of the European Union, international developments and global trends determine the room for maneuver we have as a trade union. Fortunately, we can influence that room for maneuver. 

Decisions at European level are increasingly influencing the state of affairs in the Netherlands and in our education sector

How do we do that? By contributing our ideas and experiences outside the Netherlands and exchanging them with other associations. We do this, for example, in European trade union work, in an ETUCE context. ETUC is the European region of the world umbrella organization Education International. This is not only a platform for meeting, coordination and exchange between European education associations, it is also an important social partner of the European Commission in the field of education. It is a significant player in influencing European policy when it comes to education and the educational labor market. The AOb is therefore part of the ETUCE board and is active in working groups, committees and joint projects.

Also within Education International, in OECD context and within the FNV is the AOb active. We jointly take positions on matters such as the attractiveness of the profession, digitalization, artificial intelligence or trade union renewal. From all these partnerships we naturally bring experiences and information that are important for our own trade union work. And not unimportant: we are helping to build a large network and a strong international trade union movement.

International solidarity

We need that strong international trade union movement. But it doesn't happen by itself. It is important to realize that solidarity, the basis for trade union work, cannot stop at a national border. In the Netherlands, for example, we have a lot of trade union freedom. In other places in the world, and often not far away, trade unions, the position of teachers, education and the opportunities for children to go to school are faring less well. In many places - and it has only gotten worse in recent years - human and trade union rights are being violated.

Trade Union Rights Index

Among the 10 countries that violate labor and trade union rights the most are Turkey, Belarus and Tunisia. The Netherlands is doing less and less well: the right to collective bargaining is being restricted in various sectors. That leaves the 10th edition of the International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC Global Rights Index to see. This report assesses 149 countries on the level of respect for labor rights.

When that happens, for example when union leaders are harassed or arrested, we try to provide support to the union or colleagues in need. If desired, we advise, approach governments to protest, or provide financial support. We also do the latter when emergencies arise, as a result of natural disasters or conflicts. We usually work together with ETUCE, Education International, the FNV and sometimes with Dutch Embassies. 

De AOb collaborates with various associations around the world

De AOb tries to contribute to improving the situation by cooperating with different unions in the world. Sometimes we do this directly with one union, sometimes with a coalition of organizations or within the FNV context. We look for the best options to meet the needs of our colleagues. The main thing is that the unions strengthen themselves, so that they can do more for their members and for education in their country. In this way unions from Eastern Europe learn how social dialogue works. In Suriname and Morocco our partner unions now have their own union trainers. In very diverse countries such as Albania, Mali, Nicaragua, Uganda and Zimbabwe, the unions ensured further professionalization of teachers, resulting in fewer pupils dropping out of school and disappearing into child labor.

Projects in Africa

Education International has a English article published on various projects in Africa. In most projects the AOb involved or has been involved, substantively and financially.

Interesting lesson packages

We use some of the experiences we gain in international work in teaching materials that are available free of charge to members and potential members. There are several lesson packages available. They are made for a target group of 10-14 years, but in practice they are used in primary schools, secondary education and vocational education. Would you like to request a lesson package? Then fill in the form

Where is the AOb member of?

Global FNV 
ETUC (European Trade Union Committee for Education)
EI (Education International)
Stop Child Labor Coalition
Global Campaign for Education

Stay Informed

Do you want to stay informed about the international work of the AOb? Then subscribe to the newsletter International Affairs. The newsletter appears at least five times a year. You can ask questions contact with the employees of the AOb.

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