These schools pay for your internship

Does your school provide compensation?

Let us know and put your school on the map! 

How much is the internship allowance?


Can you also take a paid LIO internship (half a teacher's salary)?

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Do you receive an internship allowance at your school?

De AOb campaigned for future colleagues last year: we presented more than six thousand signatures to the House of Representatives. We are now identifying which schools pay an internship allowance for primary and secondary education.

De AOb wants all educational interns to receive a compensation of 750 euros gross per month (for 40 hours of internship per week, otherwise pro rata). This amount applies up to the LIO final internship, for which there are already collective labor agreements and a higher amount has been agreed. Let us know how things are arranged at your school and help future colleagues make a well-considered choice for an internship school.

These schools pay an internship allowance

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