AOb in the regions

De AOb has regional offices spread across the Netherlands. This way we are close to our members. View the addresses and contact persons of the office in your region below. And what we do for you in the region.

Regional becomes the AOb represented by five regions. With offices in Groningen, Deventer, Rotterdam and Eindhoven and at the head office in Utrecht. 

The sector directors represent the AOb in the organized consultation with school boards, negotiate social plans and stimulate regional activities. They work closely with AObmembers at schools in the area.

Consultants provide advice and support

In each region, different consultants are active for the AOb. These are usually teachers, support staff or school leaders who, in addition to their jobs, work one day a week for the AOb being in a loop. You can invite a counselor to the school to discuss the AOb tell or give advice. Special sector consultants have focused on their own education sector. Below you will find an overview per region of all consultants who are active in your area.

Academic education & research

It is arranged differently at the universities. Take at university or research institution AObrepresentatives participate in the so-called Local Consultation. This includes the Executive Board and representatives of other trade unions. Do you want to know who you can approach at your university or institution? Below you will find an overview per region.

Addresses offices and data consultants

In Groningen it is AObregional office for the Northern Netherlands. Do you want to contact us? The address is: Leonard Springerlaan 23, 9727 KB Groningen. You can mail via: rayon.noord @aob. Nl

Below, per sector, are the sector consultants with an email address and the local consultative bodies for academic education

Primary school

Anke Hiemstra ahiemstra@aob. Nl
Evelyn Klein eklein@aob. Nl
Ineke Rijpstra irijpstra @aob. Nl


Secondary education

Albert Eggens (Drenthe) aeggens @aob. Nl
Fulco Hoekstra (Friesland) fhoekstra @aob. Nl
Durkje Porte (Groningen) dporte @aob. Nl


Secondary MBO education

Jelte Hiemstra jhiemstra @aob. Nl
Marianne van der Meer mvdmeer@aob. Nl


Higher professional education / scientific education

Monica IJnema myema@aob. Nl
Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (University of Groningen) 
Mary Peterson mpeterzon @aob. Nl
Kathryn Roberts

The AObregional office for Northwest Netherlands is with it AObhead office located in Utrecht. Do you want to contact the regional office? The address is: Sint Jacobsstraat 22, 3511 BS Utrecht. You can mail via: rayon.northwest @aob. Nl

Below, per sector, are the sector consultants with an email address and the local consultative bodies for academic education

Primary school

Dafna of Baden dvbaden@aob. Nl
Suzanne de Haan sdhaan@aob. Nl
Suzanne Jellema sjellema @aob. Nl
Ky Krijkamp kkrijkamp@aob. Nl
Mohammed Mdaghric mmdaghri @aob. Nl
Marinus chose kmarinus @aob. Nl
Cora Verhoeven cverhoeven@aob. Nl


Secondary education

Marion van der Bijl mbijl@aob. Nl
Ron Gerlings rgeerlings @aob. Nl
Heleen Geerse hgeerse@aob. Nl
Margit Pothoven mpothoven@aob. Nl


Secondary MBO education
Andries de Booij adbooij @aob. Nl 
Tjitse Offinga toffinga @aob. Nl
Roelie Bazuin-Boerema  rbazuin@aob. Nl
Jeroen van der Veer jvdveer@aob. Nl


Higher professional education / scientific education
Ruud Cox (Utrecht University)
Joep van den Dikkenberg (Utrecht University)

Matthijs Engelberts (University of Amsterdam)
Marieke Goede (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) mgood@aob. Nl
Marjolein Hogenbirk (University of Amsterdam)
Sil de Nijs (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences) sdnijs@aob. Nl
Pieter Wagenaar (Free University)




The AObregional office for Eastern Netherlands is located in Deventer. Would you like to contact the office? The address is: Singelstraat 27, 7411 HP Deventer. You can email via: rayon.oost @aob. Nl

Below, per sector, are the sector consultants with an email address and the local consultative bodies for academic education

Primary school
Carmen van Dam cvdam @aob. Nl
Martin Dirkse mdirkse @aob. Nl
Jacqueline van der Linden jvdlinden @aob. Nl
Nelleke Smith nsmit @aob. Nl
Louis Turk lurk@aob. Nl


Secondary education
Marzena Broniak mbroniak @aob. Nl
Mark van Essen mvessen @aob. Nl
Robert Hall rhall@aob. Nl
Hans Rozendom hrozendom@aob. Nl
Khrystyna Yatsyshyn KYatsyshyn@aob. Nl


Secondary MBO education
Peter Baks pbaks @aob. Nl
Doret Merckens dmerckens@aob. Nl


Higher professional education / scientific education
Els Sanders esanders@aob. Nl
Annemarie Arets-Meulman (University of Twente)


Ahmed Charifi (Wageningen University & Research)

acharifi @aob. Nl

Robin van Emmerloot (University of Twente)

Laura Franco-Garcia (University of Twente)


Marijtje Jongsma (Radboud University)


Didi Joppe (Open University);

Arnoud Lagendijk (Radboud University)

The AObregional office for the South Netherlands is located in Eindhoven. Do you want to contact the office? The address is: Doctor Cuyperslaan 47, 5622 MA Eindhoven. You can mail via: rayon.zuid @aob. Nl

Below, per sector, are the sector consultants with an email address and the local consultative bodies for academic education

Primary school
Sandra Brekelmans sbrekelmans@aob. Nl
Ellis van Kemenade evkemenade@aob. Nl
Jeannette Moelker jmoelker @aob. Nl
Leon Triepels lTripels@aob. Nl
Sjoerd Vinken svinken@aob. Nl


Secondary education
Roy Bolech rbolech@aob. Nl
Mohamed Gounou mgounou@aob. Nl
Ellis van Kemenade evkemenade@aob. Nl


Secondary MBO education
John Claessen jclaessen@aob. Nl
Bernadette van Diessen-de Boer bvdiessen @aob. Nl
Han van Ooijen hvooijen@aob. Nl


Higher professional education / scientific education
Jose Kuster jkusters@aob. Nl
Geert Swinkels gsstores @aob. Nl
Carijn Beumer (Maastricht University) carijn.beumer@
Anneroos Dijkhuis (Eindhoven University of Technology) adijkhuis @aob. Nl
Wim Dubbink (Tilburg University)
Naomi Kamun (Tilburg University)

nkamoen @aob. Nl

Anita Neijzen (TU Eindhoven)

aneijzen@aob. Nl

Ceren Pekdemir (Maastricht University)

cpekdemir @aob. Nl

It is in Rotterdam AOb-regional office for Southwest Netherlands established. Would you like to contact us? The address is: Pegasusweg 200, 3067 KX Rotterdam. You can email via: rayon.southwest @aob. Nl

Below, per sector, are the sector consultants with an email address and the local consultative bodies for academic education

Primary school

Laura Stroosnijder lstroosnijder @aob. Nl
Anna-Marie Noordzij anoordzij @aob. Nl
Susan Wesselman swesselman @aob. Nl
Miriam Korthout mkorthout @aob. Nl
Ada Jansen van Raay ajanssen @aob. Nl


Secondary education

Jean Merlet jmerlet @aob. Nl
Michael Verschuren mverschuren@aob. Nl
Illanga Bell ibel@aob. Nl


Secondary MBO education

Cees Luchardt cluckhardt @aob. Nl
Cees Steenkamer csteenkamer @aob. Nl
Franklin Wagner fwagner@aob. Nl


Higher professional education / scientific education

Havva de Bruin hdbrown@aob. Nl
Shiraz Munne smoenne@aob. Nl 
Diana Wittendorp dwittendorp @aob. Nl

Emke Clifford Kocq van Breugel
(University of Leiden)

Nicole van Os (University

To lead)

nvos @aob. Nl

Ana Uribe Sandoval (Erasmus University)

auribesandoval @aob. Nl


All the benefits of the AOb

  • Free advice and legal assistance
  • Vote on the collective labor agreements and other agreements
  • Free inspiring workshops
  • Free tax service
  • The Education magazine in the bus

You are already a member from € 8,88 net per month

(You can reclaim 40% of your union dues through your employer)

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