
Still rehearsing for the final musical

Traditionally, group 8 ends with a musical. At most schools this is now canceled. But some schools pick him up anyway. At a distance.

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Bas van den Broek, group 7/8 teacher of the Effen primary school in Breda, almost automatically placed the books for the musical next to the homework books on the day of school closure. “I love musicals and acting and I know that the students in my class like it too. I immediately thought: They can at least start reading. ” According to him, the musical also keeps the students very busy. As soon as they heard that the school was closing, they asked, What about the musical?

To practise

Van den Broek divided the roles online. “Now they are practicing together on Google Meet without me asking. Children miss each other and they do not experience much because they are at home, at a certain point they have finished talking on social media. Now they have the musical to practice together. ”

We have told the children that it will continue anyway, but in what form we do not know yet

For Wouter Tollenaar, group 8 teacher at De Velduil primary school in Houten, it was also quickly clear that the musical should be given a chance. After a short consultation with his two colleagues from group 8, they chose a Spotlight musical. Students can watch the music and scenes at home. “We are brainstorming about what the musical will look like. We told the children that it will continue anyway, but we don't know in what form yet. ” It seems unlikely that the musical can be performed in a venue with an audience. A large sports hall where students can play far apart is an option, according to Tollenaar. “Then we put two cameras on it and broadcast it live on YouTube. This is also a pleasant change at this time for parents and grandparents. ”

We're going for it. I wish my students a dignified farewell from their primary school

Bas van den Broek is also realistic, also towards the students. He cannot guarantee that they will play in front of an audience. "Then we'll turn it into a film." One week of school is enough for him to put together the musical. “We are fully committed to it. I wish my students a worthy farewell to their primary school. ”

Virtual hugs

Not all primary schools have time for the musical. Some schools are busy enough providing distance learning and keeping in touch with students. A kind of chain letter is already circulating on Facebook with virtual cuddly toys for children in group 8 who have to miss musical and school camp.

I let them look for dressing up stuff and props at home. That gives distraction

According to Wouter Tollenaar, his school had been experimenting with online education for gifted students for some time, so that the distance lessons could be set in motion quickly and he has time for the musical. “For children, the transition from grade 8 to secondary school is an exciting and uncertain time. With the corona virus, some children are emotionally overloaded. I let them search for costumes and attributes at home. That provides distraction. ”

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