
Education magazine nominated for Education Journalism Award

With the stories about the Schools for Personal Education (SvPO) by journalist Arno Kersten, the Education magazine has been nominated for the national prize in Education Journalism 2022. This prize will be awarded on 30 September.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

Education sheet cabinet

Statue: Algemene Onderwijsbond

In three years, Kersten published 22 articles about the SvPO school group. These articles have appeared in several editions of the Education Magazine and can be found via this link also available on the website.
The Stichting Stimulering Onderwijsjournalistiek writes: 'The series eventually leads from opaque financial constructions, mismanagement and lack of participation to just bad education.'

Other nominations

In addition to the Education magazine, five other news media have been nominated. De Volkskrant with a series about inequality of opportunity (by Kaya Bouma, Fleur Damen, Nadia Ezzeroili, Serena Frijters, Joris Tieleman), Investico, De Groene Amsterdammer & Trouw conducted research into the creeping privatization of Dutch education (Michelle Salomons, Emiel Woutersen & Thomas Muntz). Johannes Visser van the Correspondent has been nominated with a series of articles that tell in a special way what education does to people. NRC has been nominated with two articles: Patricia Veldhuis with her report of group 8 of primary school De Witte Vlinder in a deprived area in Arnhem and Veldhuis, together with Kees Versteegh, made a reconstruction of how the corona billions for education came about.

The Education Prize is awarded each year by the Stichting Stimulering Onderwijsjournalistiek. This year the award ceremony will take place in the Education Museum in Dordrecht.

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