
Even more work for HBO graduates, says ROA

Technicians and IT professionals are on the safe side: they will easily find a job in the coming years. But the prospects on the labor market are also excellent for nurses and artists.

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technical medicine


This is evident from the latest forecasts from the Maastricht research agency ROA, which updates the forecasts every two years.

The predictions are partly the same as in 2015. HBO students can easily find a job. The labor market looks good or even 'very good'. Teachers can also easily get started.

The change in physiotherapy and nursing is particularly striking. Two years ago it looked 'mediocre', the researchers at the ROA thought, but not anymore. The outlook is good.


“Two years ago, there were a lot of cutbacks in the healthcare sector,” says professor Didier Fouarge of Maastricht University, of which the ROA is a part. “We took that into account at the time and it had major consequences for employment. But policymakers are not always keeping their word: the cutbacks have been swept off the table and there are even two billion euros. Perhaps that is a good thing, but it is difficult for me. I have to adjust my predictions. ”

The estimates have also been adjusted for HBO journalists (from poor to moderate) and for graduates of art programs (from moderate to good). Can you really trust such variable information?

Fouarge: “You want to know something about the labor market for the coming years and you have to base yourself on the best information available. But we do not keep the forecasts up to date for nothing. They just change. ”

Didier Fouarge of Maastricht University: “You want to know something about the labor market in the coming years and you have to rely on the best information available. But we do not keep the forecasts up to date for nothing. They just change. ”

Count on fingers

The ROA figures find their way to prospective students via websites such as and also via the Keuzegidsen voor higher education. “It is important that these figures are there,” says Frank Steenkamp of the Keuzegids, “but sometimes I get the feeling that the predictions are a bit formal and unworldly. They never had to be so negative about the care. You could count on your fingers that the need for nurses would increase. ”

He also suspects that the current forecasts for tourism and leisure students are incorrect. According to the ROA, the outlook is poor, but Steenkamp suspects that it will not be so bad. “Tourism is going to grow and all those Asians want to be shown around. Not only are some extra cleaners needed in hotels. ”


The predictions for scientific education have also been adjusted here and there. Academically trained teachers are especially lucky: their labor market is changing from poor to good. Psychologists and lawyers are also getting the wind in their sails, according to ROA. 'Business economics and logistics', on the other hand, drops from moderate to poor.

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