
Ninety percent of AObmembers want to strike

'With your leg stretched out! Strike until you listen! Perhaps then politicians will realize that it is serious. It is scandalous that the cabinet does not want to invest in the future of our society. ' Those are some responses from the survey that the AOb last week among its members, and which has been filled by some seven thousand members.

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More than ninety percent of those questioned consider the government's education budget, which was presented on Budget Day, to be insufficient or completely inadequate. What is especially lacking is money for a competitive salary for all teaching staff. This topic is at the top of the wish list. Somewhat lower on the list, there is money for tackling workload and for reducing the number of teaching hours per teacher.

For companies, the cabinet is at the forefront, writes another member, but education is apparently not worth an investment

More than ninety percent of the respondents want to continue to campaign, with the means of action 'staking' at the top. 'Now keep going', one writes AObmember. 'Let it feel that good education is an investment in society.' For companies, the cabinet is at the forefront, writes another member, but education is apparently not worth an investment. 'Action now! I am sad that they still do not take us seriously in The Hague. In the meantime, the teacher shortage is only increasing. '

One day

De AOb doesn't want to go 'alone' like last March this time. AOb-members think they can achieve more if all education unions work together towards The Hague, according to the latest members' poll. The compromise with the other unions was that it would then be a one-day strike. Although the AOb no matter for the future!


Ninety percent of the AOb- informs members in primary and secondary education that they are participating if the AOb calls for a strike. 'We train the nurses, carpenters and ICT specialists of the future. Can that be offset by a salary that can compete with salary in the business world? '

Also read: National strike for primary and secondary education on Wednesday 6 November

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