Ministry extends teacher grant for one year

Qualified teachers who want to follow a training can at least make use of the teacher grant for another year. The education ministers have announced that they will extend the subsidy scheme for one year, because they are still waiting for research to properly evaluate the scheme. Without intervention, the exchange would expire on April 1, 2022.

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teachers fair

Picture: type tank

With a letter Education ministers Dennis Wiersma and Robbert Dijkgraaf informed the House that the teacher grant has been extended. Qualified teachers can apply for the scholarship if they wish to pursue a bachelor's or master's degree and thus receive reimbursement for their tuition fees, study costs and leave.


The ministry is currently conducting an external evaluation study into the teacher grant and is therefore examining the years 2017-2021. This study was launched by former education minister Arie Slob to evaluate the training grant. The ministers expect the results of the investigation shortly.

In the letter, they also state that a total of 2022 million euros is available for this academic year 2023-76,5. This means that the stock market is almost back to its old level. In 2020, 2400 teachers missed out on the teacher grant because the subsidy pot had been looted (from 78 million euros to 49,5 million euros), as it turned out. a reconstruction from the Education magazine.

In 2021, the teacher grant was again supplemented with 17,1 million euros because 1219 teachers were fishing behind the net. Ultimately, anyone who wanted to could start a study in 2021. Those who withdrew their application after the first rejection in 2021 will have priority over other applications this year.

'at night

Furthermore, this year teachers no longer have to sit behind their computers around midnight, because the application period starts at 00.00:1. The ministers have announced that teachers can submit an application on April 2022, 18.00 from XNUMX p.m. Last year turned out that there were major online problems were at the implementing agency DUO. An employee already announced at the time that he would enter into consultation to look at a 'more reasonable time' than 00.00:XNUMX.

De AOb has called for attention in the House for all these points - an increase in the total subsidy budget, a more pleasant registration time and priority for rejected teachers in 2021.

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