
'More money is still needed for collective labor agreement for primary education'

"The biggest bottleneck for a new collective labor agreement for primary and special education does not lie with trade unions or employers, but with the government," says AObprimary education director Eugenie Stolk. "If we want to solve the shortage on a structural basis, the cabinet must put more money into the terms of employment."

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The current collective labor agreement for primary education expires on 1 March, with no prospect of a new agreement. That is why the current agreements will continue without any new adjustments. "Of course we talk like AOb and other trade unions with employers' organization PO-raad about new collective agreements," says Eugenie Stolk. "But at the moment that is all within the narrow margins of the available budget. We also know that the available money is currently not enough to structurally solve teacher shortages. In a letter We, as social partners, jointly asked the House of Representatives to pay attention to this in January."

More money

In that letter, unions and employers ask for a national recruitment campaign and more money so that all employees, education support staff, teachers and school leaders receive a fair and just salary. Stolk: "A commitment in response to the letter is missing. So far, there has also been no response to our ultimatum to pledge more money. Every reason to take action and to strike on March 15."

So far, there has also been no response to our ultimatum to pledge more money. Every reason to take action and to strike on March 15


In the meantime, unions and employers are talking constructively about a range of subjects that are also important for a new collective labor agreement. These conversations are constructive but require more time. As agreed in the current collective labor agreement, research has been carried out into the job descriptions of educational support staff. In the past period, there have been intensive discussions with teaching assistants, speech therapists, behavioral scientists and other support staff. During these conversations they looked at their work and how that has changed. It will be investigated later whether this has consequences for the reward.

In addition, there is research into the position and remuneration of managerial positions. Discussions are currently underway with school leaders about their tasks, responsibilities and powers in the areas of strategy, education, personnel and business operations.

Both studies take a lot of time. After that, the trade unions and employers must discuss what this means for the collective labor agreement and what agreements can be made in this regard, knowing that no additional resources have yet become available from the cabinet.

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