
Conversation with Rutte does not yield any concrete commitments

The consultations in the Haagse Torentje have not yet yielded any concrete commitments for more money for education. That's the outcome of the conversation that AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen today together with the other unions and employers with Prime Minister Rutte. Verheggen: "Our strike on November 6 will continue. I see no reason to cancel it now that no commitments have yet been made by the cabinet."

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De AOb was allowed to come to Torentje in The Hague together with the other unions and the employers' organizations PO-raad and VO-raad for a meeting with Prime Minister Rutte (VVD). “It is nice that the prime minister is now taking control and is freeing up time to get involved in the education file,” says Verheggen. "We now have the recognition that the teacher problem is really a social problem."

We now have the recognition that the teacher problem is really a social problem

Yet it does not yet yield any investment for education. "The teacher shortage can be felt in many schools, school principals send children home, teachers distribute classes and the teaching staff is struggling with enormous work pressure because colleagues are difficult to find."

Emergency package

De AObChairman hoped that today the call for an emergency package of EUR 423,5 million would be heard. For the summer the unions and employers submitted this claim to the cabinet, among other things to improve salaries in primary education and to be able to invest in school leaders and special education. In secondary education, the schools could use the money to reduce the workload by reducing the number of lessons.

To strike

For Verheggen it is clear that the declared strike of 6 November will continue as usual. “We call on colleagues to stop work and close schools that day. Our call: 'invest in education' has not changed even after this afternoon's conversation. ”

More information about the strike on November 6 can be found on the action website:

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