
No support among teachers: broad teaching authority off the table

The committee that would design a new competence system for teachers is stranded. Half of the committee, including the teachers, considers the idea of ​​introducing one broad teaching authority to be an 'accident waiting to happen'.

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'We recognize the importance of career and development perspectives for teachers. But that doesn't require an overhaul of the entire system of educational qualifications, with all the associated risks. ' Four members of the Educational Authorities Committee wrote this to Education Minister Arie Slob today. 'We warn against a hasty renewal process that cannot count on support from the professional group.'

The letter from the four members, who together make up exactly half of the Teaching Authorities Committee, is a summary of an entire chapter from the report that the Teaching Authorities Committee published today. The report High bar lower thresholds is therefore not unanimous.

Schools and teachers should be actively involved in the realization of the innovation

The expectation was different. The committee elaborated on one advice of the Education Council, which proposed establishing one broad basic authority for all teachers. On top of that, there would be a system of specializations. It was expected that the Educational Authorities Committee would further elaborate this advice.


Indeed, an attempt has been made. The broad authority was to ensure 'separation in the training and teaching profession', the committee states in the non-unanimous final report. The broad competence should also contribute to more mobility within and between educational sectors.

But according to the four committee members – the two teachers who sat in a personal capacity, a school principal and a researcher – broad authority poses the risk
that the professional knowledge and teaching methodology deteriorate.


Part of the committee also no longer wanted to make the master's level compulsory for the upper years of HAVO and VWO. 'To teach this specific target group of students, however, a thorough knowledge of the subject content and subject didactics is required', the four committee members write. 'We therefore believe it is crucial to keep making the master's level compulsory for teachers in the upper years of HAVO and VWO. Masters trained teachers are of great importance for the quality of education. '

Profession group

Another important stumbling block for the four parties involved is that the professional group is not involved in the advice. The four recommend sticking to recommendations that the Dijsselbloem committee already drew up in 2008 on educational reforms. According to that committee, any major system change should meet a number of criteria, such as: 'The problem analysis is scientifically substantiated and widely supported by those involved', 'Schools and teachers are actively involved in the realization of the innovation' and 'There is sufficient support. for renewal among all concerned '.

All this is missing in the current - proposed - renewal. Out inquiry under AObmembers it appears, for example, that teachers are not in favor of broad basic training. Also was the AOb not involved with this advice

Matters on which the Educational Competences Committee did reach agreement include the establishment of official training for the pedagogical-didactic certificate for vocational education.

Split Pabo

The education ministers also asked the committee to consider the idea of ​​'splitting' the teacher training program into a variant for the young and the older child. Not necessary, is the unanimous opinion of the committee. After all, it is quite possible to specialize, she writes. The reactions of AObmembers on this proposal were also very variable.

Furthermore, four competence areas have been drawn up that apply to every teacher in primary, secondary and secondary vocational education. These areas are: the common characteristics of the teaching profession, the development phase of the student to whom the teacher is teaching, the subject content and the subject didactics.


On the one hand, the report keeps the courage: 'There is a lot to build on', such as the further development of the four competence areas. But there is also a warning: 'There are also questions as to whether changes in the powers system are necessary in any case. It is also mentioned that there are now bigger and more urgent issues than the competence system ', something that happened at the end of last year even though it was emphasized by 'driving force in tackling the teacher shortage' Merel van Vroonhoven.

The Educational Competences Committee was to present a second advice in May, in which the first would be further elaborated. That will not happen. The committee has ended its activities.

Read more:

The Education Council wants one basic authority for teachers

Teachers do not see changes in powers

Teachers offside in reviewing teaching privileges

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