
Almost everyone will receive more net wages as of 1 January 2019

New tax rules and an increase in the pension premium will cause changes to your payslip in January 2019. What will change?

Tekst Karen Hagen - redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


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An important change is that the pension premium will go up by two percent, he says AObpolicy advisor Roelf van der Ploeg, who on behalf of the AOb during consultations with the ABP pension fund. “The increase is because people are getting older, interest rates are low and pensions are therefore becoming more expensive. This increase is in line with the plan to restore the fund to health.” The increase is not entirely at the expense of the employees: employers pay 70 percent of the premium.


In addition, in 2019 everyone will pay pension premiums on the new - higher - salary of 2018. “The advantage of this is that you accrue more pension”, says Van der Ploeg. “In the short term you pay more premium. Teachers in primary education in particular will notice this, because their wages rose sharply in 2018. The higher the wage increase, the more premium you pay," says the sector manager.

Many people benefit from a net profit, but how much is different for everyone.

Although the pension contribution is going up, on balance many teaching staff will still see a net plus on the pay slip. “The tax measures also have an influence,” says Steven van Woerkens of the legal department of the AOb. “There will be changes to the tax tables. From 2019, the government will start the transition to a two-bracket system where you will pay less tax on your income. So many people will benefit from a net profit, but how much is different for everyone. ”

According to Van Woerkens, full-time teachers in primary and secondary education who are at the end of their salary scale will gain roughly three to four decades net. This can be seen on their January 2019 salary slip. Van Woerkens: "The higher pension premium is already included in the calculation."

Do the check

Do you want to know what your payslip looks like? Then do our handy Salary check and use the green arrows to scroll through to January 2019. Then you can see exactly what your payslip looks like.

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