Mini-Conference PO Sommeldijk

OBS JC van Gent
June 13, 2024
18:00 - 19:30
Dear collegue,
We cordially invite you to the third series of Mini-Conferences of this school year. 
We also start this one with a simple meal. During the last series we noticed that there were many questions about the Annual Task. Because of this we have decided to pay full attention to this in this last series! 
Task Policy Workshop; your annual task explained.
We all know the task sheet, but how do you read it and how do you see whether it corresponds to reality?

The 2023-2024 Collective Labor Agreement stipulates that there will be a discussion about your commitment before the summer holidays (CAO 2.3 paragraph 2).  
Frequently asked questions about the annual task:
How many hours do you have to teach?
Can I choose my own hours for professional development and with what?
Is the mandatory study day part of my professionalization hours?
Is there such a thing as “return days”? So no, we will discuss this further.
What is sustainable employability and how can I use it?
I am turning 57, how can I use my extra hours of sustainable employability now?
What does my storage factor include and how high is it?

Questions we regularly hear from colleagues. Time to get clarity about this. In this workshop you will receive information about this and you can ask questions.

Feel free to bring your own task letter, so that you can compare your own task letter during the presentation.
A trade union consultant will also be present on this evening!

17.45 pm: Walk-in 
18.00 p.m.: The meal is ready
18.30 pm: Start Workshop
19:30 PM: End of Mini-Conference

Dates and locations:
Rotterdam May 30, 2024
FNV Building
Algemene Onderwijsbond
Pegasusweg 200
3067 KX Rotterdam
Accessibility: 5 minutes walk from Rotterdam Alexander station
Leiden June 6, 2024 
Woutertje Pieterse primary school
Houtlaan 60
2334 CL Leiden
Accessibility: 800 meters walk from Leiden CS. 
It is paid parking until 19.30 pm €0,20 pu, after that €3,10 pu 

Sommelsdijk June 13, 2024 
OBS JC van Gent
Mill avenue 26
3245 CP Sommelsdijk
Free parking around school.
For whom:
The Mini-Conference is intended for members, but anyone who becomes a member on site is also very welcome. So you can feel free to bring a colleague who is not yet a member, and he or she will be registered as a member on the spot. Please report this when registering.
The workshop has a minimum and maximum number of participants.
Certificate of participation for your individual professionalization hours
The workshop is part of your individual professionalization. You will receive a certificate of participation.
You can register via:

We wish you a pleasant and educational evening.
Yours faithfully,
Sector consultants PO of the South West district


Target audience
Primary education
Molenlaan 26,
secretariaat rayon Zuidwest,

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