"Unhealthy, how many VMBO students want to go to HBO"

The editors of the Education Magazine scan the education news. These are the five most notable statements in March so far.

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Unhealthy, how many VMBO students want to go to HBO

Master Bart Ongering publishes his first book Closer to Master Bart and tells about it the Parool:

"16 of the 19 children in my pre-vocational basic/management mentor class want to go to higher vocational education or university. I find that almost unhealthy. It is a pity that they cannot be proud of their pre-vocational education."



Miss Rita is nicer than The Lice Mother: "What's funny about an intern with a tight T-shirt?"

Harriet Salm, TV reviewer for Trouw, prefers the Danish TV series Rita - fourth season now on Netflix - to De Luizenmoeder:

"What's funny about an intern with a tight T-shirt that director Anton follows, panting? The maverick Rita sexts with the director, enjoys it and then just goes back to work, just like him."



A Pleijdooi for the teacher: "Why are teachers not in the advertising brochures of schools?"

Cultural historian Herman Pleij finds it strange that advertising material from Dutch schools only shows children. You don't come across teachers there. Pleij spoke at a secondary school in Helmond and it Eindhoven Daily reported:

Pleij: "School brochures in the US state who they employ, complete with education followed and prizes won."



About the unions: "You have lost power, you fools"

Ronald Janssen of Tuac, the advisory body of the trade unions at the OECD, has the floor in a strong article by Mirjam de Rijk in the Green Amsterdammer. She explains in thirteen short chapters how it is possible that wages in the Netherlands do not rise:

Janssen: “In discussions about the lack of wage increases, it is now almost accusingly pointed to unions: You have lost power, you fools. But don't forget that the loss of power is a direct result of policy, of how work is organized. ”



I always write 'steakholders' myself and then I hope someone will hold my steak while I get a beer.

In NRC Handelsblad discusses editor Japke-d. Bouma educational jargon. She makes a top 5, including 'excellent education' and the terribly unnecessary comment 'the student is central':

"If you can study jargon and hypes anywhere, then it is in education. There they are currently working on 'learning efficiency', 'self-management' and 'ownership of the learning process' and 'outcome-oriented' work with 'learning arrangements' as if students are office tigers who have to achieve their targets lean and mean."


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