Teachers, how do we get them in?

The Education Magazine examined six measures to get more teachers in the classroom. Conclusion: a good salary perspective is by far the most effective.

Tekst Joëlle Poortvliet - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


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In the first wave of flu, schools fear an acute problem. The teacher shortage is now on the way primary education, but also for a number of subjects in it secondary education it is difficult to find new teachers.

Both governments and school boards try all kinds of things. The October issue of the Education Journal reviews six ways to recruit and retain teachers:

  • Promote teacher training
  • Asking people to work more hours
  • To bring back teachers who have left education
  • Recruit side entrants
  • Loose initiatives, local or otherwise, such as attracting teachers from abroad
  • Increase the salary
By far the most effective is to increase the attractiveness and status of the profession by improving the salary.

The expected yield of these measures varies, according to the analysis: from moderately positive to a drop in the ocean. By far the most effective is to increase the attractiveness and status of the profession by improving salary.

Read the complete article here.

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