'Take firm measures to tackle teacher shortages'

Strong measures must be taken quickly to combat the teacher shortage in a sustainable way. The plans of outgoing State Secretary Sander Dekker of Education do not go far enough. 'The teacher shortage is a much bigger problem than the letter with measures from State Secretary Dekker suggests', said AObchairman Liesbeth Verheggen.

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Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will debate the teacher shortage. The AOb therefore sent the Job Plan with a letter to show MPs what should happen according to the union. The proposals of the AOb deviate from what Dekker proposes. His plans are interesting, but inadequate in response to the teacher shortage, says Verheggen.

To ensure that there are enough qualified teachers in front of the class, three robust measures are needed, according to the AOb. These measures concern the retention of working teachers, new influx into teacher training courses and making the profession attractive.

Retain teachers

Working teachers must want to continue to work in education. The workload must therefore be reduced and starters and side entrants must receive much better guidance. For older teachers, a new elderly scheme should be considered. The professionalization of teachers is another important point to keep them in education. The AOb argues for an extension of the Teachers' Fair and better agreements on training.

The influx of students must also grow in teacher training courses. According to AObchairperson Verheggen, teachers should have more influence on the curriculum of the teacher training college so that it better reflects teaching practice. A scholarship is needed to attract side entrants to teacher training courses.

Good working conditions, more autonomy

The main thing is to make the whole profession more attractive, according to the AOb. This involves substantial investment in salary, getting a permanent contract more quickly, more autonomy, fewer teaching hours and competence as the basis for the profession. 'We have to get rid of the idea that being a teacher is a part-time job that you do on the side,' writes Verheggen.

Verheggen hopes that politicians will seriously dare to take structural measures. 'The profession is not made more attractive by an image campaign or research. It is through a fundamental investment, 'says de AObchairman.

Download: AOb job plan 2017

Download: Letter to the chamber 'Determination of competence for educational support staff in MBO'

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