Petition with more than 76 signatures for Minister Van Engelshoven

Education expenditure is not a cost item, but an investment in our future. That is why the cabinet and the coming cabinets should allocate more money for education. This petition from the AOb, FNV and FvOv, which has been signed more than 76 times, was presented today to Minister of Education Ingrid van Engelshoven.

Tekst Rob Voorwinden - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Statue: Algemene Onderwijsbond

The petition is a prelude to the great nationwide education strike tomorrow at the Malieveld.

Together with the petition, FNV and the trade union for science offered VAWO a joint investigation, showing that two thirds of university employees experience a high to very high workload. “More and more tasks are being added for employees,” says Jan Boersma, director of FNV Overheid. “Such as applying for grants, providing education in English and publishing more and more studies. And that while the number of students is increasing and the money tap has shut down several times in recent years. ”

There are more and more tasks for the employees

Clutter contract

During the debate after the handover, assistant professor Carlo Ierna protested against the enormous amount of temporary part-time appointments of the university staff. He is an example of it himself.

“My appointments are so small that I often receive an email at the beginning of the week with 'Welcome to our age-old institution' and at the end of the week an email with 'You are leaving employment, so you can apply for a unemployment benefit'. ” That does not offer job security. "When you come to the bank for a mortgage, they don't get excited about all those junk contracts."

Go to our promotion page for all the information about tomorrow's nationwide strike. There you will find the program, the frequently asked questions and a video of why we are going on strike.

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