Number of unemployment benefits falls sharply in education

The number of unemployment benefits fell sharply in education in 2019. In December, a total of 9353 people from education received benefits. That is more than 16 percent less than in the same month in 2018 when 11.230 people received benefits.

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That appears from new figures of the CBS and benefits agency UWV. The two authorities publish the latest figures on unemployment benefits every month.

In 2019, the number of people receiving unemployment benefits in education decreased after the traditional summer peak from October. In that month 10860 people received benefits, a month later there were only 9967, another month later this number had fallen further to 9353.

The decrease is greatest in agricultural professions, in care and welfare and in pedagogical professions

The figures for the months of May to December 2019 also show a significant decrease in the number of unemployment benefits, compared to the same months in 2018. In July 2019, for example, the number of benefits was more than 21 percent lower than the same month in 2018.

The UWV let know that the number of unemployment benefits fell in all occupational groups in 2019, but that the decrease was greatest in the agricultural professions, in care and welfare and in the pedagogical professions.

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