Legal Advice: Fit to the finish

Work adjustments and the sustainable employability scheme can help you to continue teaching until you reach retirement age. IAC employee Jim van Emden has more advice on this subject for kindergarten master Joep (58) and music teacher Jim (59).

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The employer has a responsibility to ensure that employees remain vital. It follows from the Working Conditions Act that the employer must pursue a policy to prevent work pressure and work stress. Inquire about this with your employer or the participation council.

Practical tools

You can also take matters into your own hands. The Work Pressure Platform has been developed for employees in primary education, which can be found at Here you can find knowledge, practical stories and practical tools that help to tackle work pressure in primary education. In secondary education you can take a look at the Voion website (search terms: safe, healthy and vital work).

Other work

If this is not enough to find a solution, you may be able to look for other suitable work in collaboration with your employer by means of secondment and career guidance. In consultation with your employer, you can use your professionalization hours for this. In addition, it is wise to inquire whether a budget is available for training or retraining.

Finally, there is early retirement. You can retire at ABP from the first day of the month in which you turn 60. The My ABP website shows the financial consequences of this and the APB can provide you with further information.

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