Extra salary for part of VSO teachers

Teachers in special secondary education will receive a stipend retroactively from 1 August 2020. The AOb has made agreements about this together with other trade unions and the PO Council. “It's a first small step towards equal pay,” says AObdriver Jelmer Evers.

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The covenant on tackling the teacher shortage structurally includes 16,5 million euros for the remuneration of VSO teachers who teach students with an outflow profile for further education. These teachers teach at secondary level, but are paid according to the collective labor agreement for primary education. The purpose of the amount is to narrow the salary gap with secondary education.


The trade unions and the PO Council have made agreements about how the available money will be spent. The so-called labor market allowance is allocated pro rata to the teachers concerned by the school board, which has to apply for the money itself annually. A school board may also distribute the available money in another way in consultation with the unions.

To be able to pay everyone equally, the cabinet must come up with more money

The agreement on the labor market allowance will be laid down in the next collective labor agreement, but school boards may already start paying the allowance. It is the intention that VSO teachers will be awarded the allowance, which applies retroactively from 1 August 2020.


The teacher shortage is highest in special education. In order to attract and retain staff, the AOb reward all teachers and educational support staff in the VSO at the level of secondary education. The allowance for teachers who teach students with the exit profile for secondary education is according to AObdriver Jelmer Evers a first small step. “There is so much more to be done and the urgency is high. In order to be able to pay everyone equally, the cabinet must come up with more money. ”

The agreements about the labor market allowance are here to find.

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