Emergency intervention due to teacher shortage is most often needed in grades 7 and 8

In the past week, schools had to come up with an emergency solution most often for groups 7 and 8 because of the teacher shortage. This is evident from figures from the website Lerarentekortisnu.nl. At primary school Beurthonk in Odijk they know all about it: despite a playful video that has been viewed numerous times on social media, the school is still looking for a teacher for grade 7/8.

Tekst Karen Hagen en Robert Sikkes - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen


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De AOb calls on members to continue to actively report shortages the website Lerarentekortisnu.nl. Only then does the daily burden of the shortage remain visible. On the site, schools can indicate per day for which class they could not find a teacher and which emergency solution they have chosen. Notifications arrive on the website every day.


Recently, there have been too few teachers for senior secondary education, according to reports on the website. For groups 7 and 8, an emergency solution was most often required. Beurthonk primary school searches from September this year a teacher who can work for three days in group 7/8. In October, a parent made a playful video that was viewed a lot on social media. Yet it has not yet resulted in a new teacher.

The school is currently taking care of it by having a teacher who normally stands two days before group 7/8 now also do the Wednesday. “She does, however, give up her hours for internal supervision,” says teacher Mario van Dijk van Beurthonk.

I stand for group 5/6 myself and then take part of the class

Divide and parents

On Thursday, the director starts class in the morning and the students work independently, explains Van Dijk. The class is divided in the afternoon. Van Dijk: “I am in group 5/6 myself and then take part of the class. You skipper between two classrooms and then I have about thirty students to teach. ” A parent will be in front of the class on Friday. "We are really still looking for a teacher."

Figures from the website Lerarenkortisnu.nl show that last week at least 2245 students did not receive the education they deserve, but were helped with an emergency solution. Last week, dividing classes, sending them home or hiring a secondment agency were the most commonly used emergency solutions. In addition, part-timers often work extra days or retirees return.

Do you work at a primary school and are you suffering from a teacher shortage? Report it the website lerarentekortisnu.nl

Also read: Part-timer rescue angel as an emergency solution for teacher shortage.

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