Education strike started, Amsterdam is already hidden

The education strike has begun. More than four thousand schools are closed, staff in primary and secondary education are leaving their work. In Amsterdam the Dam is already full and in Rotterdam De Kuip. There are marches and demonstrations all over the country.

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For the third time in a year, the staff in primary, secondary and special education are now leaving their jobs. This time even for two days, and 4200 schools will remain closed tomorrow. So that politicians in The Hague cannot ignore the message: Invest in education.

'Minister Slob make our work top again!', A school team from Krommenie told the Education Minister through the banner on the flooding Dam. 'If we invest now, we will soon have no more ignorant ministers,' another protest sign snarls.


In Amsterdam, the stage program has just started with cabaret artist Dolf Jansen. Subsequently, the striking teaching staff will march through the city center. This morning lessons are given in The Hague. But then in a pop-up classroom specially designed on the Hofplaats, five hundred meters from the Ministry of Education. Here, Master Jesper is teaching music to children from nearby schools this morning in a small glass building, decorated with some of the more than 43 drawings of children's hands that the magazine contains. Parents of Now as a form of protest.

Marches and manifestations

Earlier this morning, hundreds of strikers left in Rotterdam from three points to De Kuip, where comedian and columnist Kees van Amstel will have his say. Groningen, Zutphen, Middelburg, Maastricht en The Hague: In all these cities, education staff are making their voices heard today. In Utrecht, Den Bosch and Deventer are meetings tomorrow. And then there are get-togethers in the region, today and tomorrow. Education stands firm.

Closed schools

This two-day strike will continue just like the previous nationwide education strike of November 6 last year more than 4200 schools closed in primary, secondary and special education. This is evident from the card on the website of the AOb.

Is your school closed? Report it via our card.


Are you on strike today and tomorrow for more investments? Sign up you as a striker on our website.


De AOb makes videos across the country today. Look for the former here.


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