Negotiations on collective labor agreement are difficult

Negotiations for the new collective labor agreement for secondary education are difficult. “I detect too little enthusiasm among employers to meet our demands,” says AObnegotiator Jelmer Evers. “If that continues, actions will follow.”

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covenant workload

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Spearheads in the negotiations for the new collective labor agreement for secondary education are: AOb addressing the workload and raising wages. On both counts, employers fail to meet the wishes of the AOb, says negotiator Jelmer Evers. “We are approaching the point where the wage margin is becoming a breaking point in the negotiations.”

As a AOb we are not going to sign a bad collective agreement. Our members don't accept that - and rightly so

The second important point in the negotiations is to deal with the workload, by making changes in the task policy. To reduce the workload, there is Education agreement, concluded with the cabinet, 300 million euros available. To ensure that these investments do not lapse, employers and trade unions must make collective agreements about the expenditure before 15 July.


The employers would like to leave this entirely to the teams, but there are the AObmembers not in favor of. They see more in individual agreements and frameworks. “In secondary education, the teams are often large, with different departments and year levels,” says Evers. “If those large teams have to arrange the distribution of the workload resources themselves, people or groups quickly get lost in the snow.”

Everyone is now experiencing the consequences of the rising prices, so a wage increase cannot be too long in coming

Also, many schools do not yet have a safe climate for their own negotiations about task policy. Evers: “That is why frameworks and procedural agreements are needed that everyone can rely on.”


The current collective labor agreement ran until 1 January last, but is tacitly renewed† Evers now hopes to quickly arrive at a negotiator's result. “From April and May, the new school year will be set up, with formation and tasks. The agreements in a new collective labor agreement must therefore be clear before July in order to have an effect for the new school year. In addition, everyone is now experiencing the consequences of rising prices, so a wage increase cannot be delayed too long.”


If the employers do not provide a clear guideline to meet the trade unions, actions will follow. Evers: “If AOb we are not going to sign a bad agreement. Our members are not going to accept that – and I totally get that.”

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