Check whether your salary has not been cut too much by the strike

After the strike day on March 15, the first payslips are now arriving showing the deduction of the salary. Check your payslip carefully, because employers are only allowed to cut back on the activities that were scheduled on the roster, such as class hours and the surcharge for checking and preparation.

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“There is no fixed amount for salary deductions. The actual salary deduction can therefore differ per employee, ”says Joep Gakes, employee of the Information and Advice Center (IAC) of the AOb.


“We see that school boards deal with it in different ways,” says Gakes. "I therefore recommend that you look at the payslip carefully and ask the school board if anything is unclear." Do you still have doubts whether the deduction is correct? Then contact the staff of the IAC. “We can view the schedule and pay slip and check whether the discount is correct,” says Gakes.

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