AOb: 'Extra year of illness with lung covid'

People suffering from lung covid should be given an extra year to recover and reintegrate. That says AOb-chairman Tamar van Gelder in response to the large influx at the long covid reporting center of the AOb and FNV Education & Research.

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'Sadness', 'frustration', 'nostalgia for my old self', 'guilt towards colleagues and students', 'hypersensitive to stimuli'. But also: 'medical examiner', 'salary reduction' and 'threatened incapacity for work'. Those are words that come up very often long covid hotline of AOb and FNV Education & Research. There is a storm: within one week after the opening, almost seven hundred people registered, all of whom are struggling with the long-term consequences of a corona infection.

'Long covid' – recently renamed 'post-covid syndrome' by the Health Council – is a range of serious complaints. From chronic fatigue, reduced concentration, forgetfulness and headaches to ringing in the ears, dizziness, palpitations and - perhaps as a result of all this - depression.

I actually do everything halfway and I have to leave a lot to colleagues. But when I'm not there, my class is at home

'I can hardly speak my mind anymore', says one of the reporters. 'I'm losing track of my own story' and 'I'm constantly stuttering', two others add. Reading a book is often no longer possible, because those involved lose the thread of the story. And reading a book in another language doesn't stand a chance anyway, says another. 'English suddenly resembles Chinese'.


Many of the people who suffer from the post-covid syndrome are very easily overstimulated. 'If there is too much stimulation, nothing enters me anymore. I then go on 'out', as I call it.' Also, many people who suffer from the post-covid syndrome tire very quickly. 'I can only handle one activity per day,' says one of the reporters.

Another had to buy an electric bicycle. 'On a normal bike I can't even handle short distances anymore. I drive like a snail.' 'I went from working full-time with a huge amount of energy back to a bed and a wheelchair,' says another. "I don't expect to ever recover XNUMX percent."


In addition to frustration and sadness, long covid often produces guilt. 'I really want to. But it does not work. But in the meantime my colleagues have to take over the work, and there are no replacements.' Some reporters therefore try to keep going at school on their gums. 'Actually, I do everything halfway and I have to leave a lot to colleagues. But when I'm not there, my class is at home.'

Because I went back to 70 percent of my salary, I lean heavily on my partner financially. I really can't afford to pay more

However, many of the reporters have not recovered enough for it to go back to work. They sit at home, and after the first year of illness fall back to 70 percent of their salary. While, on the other hand, the costs add up, because being sick is expensive. 'The deductible of the health insurance has already gone completely through it – a few hundred euros'.

The victims of lung covid also often spend a lot of money on treatments that are not or only partially reimbursed, such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy. 'With 70 percent of my salary, I already rely heavily on my partner financially,' says one of those involved. 'I really can't afford those extra costs anymore.'

Care circus

Those who became infected at the start of the first corona wave and are therefore no longer able to work have been ill for almost two years now. They are now approaching the disability assessment. 'The whole care circus is now in full swing. Something I had so much not hoped for, hadn't wanted.'

Another: 'The whole UWV procedure gives me enormous stress.' 'You have to deal with all kinds of people and institutions, and I have to investigate whether another job, outside of education, is something for me. But that's not my mind at all. I actually need all my energy to focus on my recovery. This situation makes me so sad.'

year of illness

In consultation with the employer, a third year of illness should be instituted for people who have been ill for almost two years now AOb-chairman Tamar van Gelder. “Too little is known about long covid: nobody knows when you can expect people to be completely better again. Give those who need it an extra year so they can still do everything they can to recover and reintegrate. And employers should be compensated for this if necessary.”


Unfortunately, this reintegration is often not an option for people with a temporary contract. 'I had just started it in education. My temporary contract has not been extended. I now receive benefits.' Another: 'My temporary contract expired and because of my illness I didn't get a permanent contract. So I am without a job'. And: 'I became infected as a LIO intern and have been at home for a year and a half since then. With many complaints, without a diploma and without a job.'

Older reporters, for whom the pension is already in sight, sometimes choose the flight to the front. 'Due to the stress, I decided to take early retirement. I can't handle the process of reintegration and inspections.'

Many people in education feel thrown to the lions

It is striking that more than half of the reporters (64 percent) think they have contracted the corona infection at school. And another 24 percent are hesitant about it. "Parents didn't take the rules very seriously and just sent coughing children to school." And: 'I was 100 percent sure that I got infected at school. A student sneezed in my face and he was positive shortly afterwards - the first in my area.'

Many reporters feel thrown to the lions. 'The minister has stated countless times in the media that there were hardly any risks. He deliberately put the entire profession at risk.' And: 'I'm actually very angry. We've been shooting targets all this time.'


Government should set up compensation scheme for education workers suffering from lung covid, finds AObPresident Van Gelder. “Many people in education feel like they've been thrown to the lions. At the beginning of the epidemic, it was said that children would not be able to transmit the virus to adults. That turned out to be incorrect. And when there were vaccines, we like AOb urged to vaccinate teachers as a priority. But that didn't happen. And now people are at risk of becoming incapacitated for work. Financial compensation is the only thing the government can do now. So do that."


These kinds of measures are necessary and welcome. But the victims of lung covid also need recognition above all. 'People don't like me, but I can't work or exercise anymore. There are no more weekend trips, even cleaning my house is a task. People just don't understand what an impact lung covid has on your life. If there was a little more understanding for that, that would be great.'


Frequently Asked Questions about long covid, illness, your salary and disability

What does lung covid do to you? Brenda Cap"I don't know if I'll ever be decent for my self again kindergarten can stand"

What does lung covid do to you? Ellie Show: "Even two hours at school is no longer possible"

What does lung covid do to you? Ari van den Berg: "Back in class I had to sleep for three hours after one morning"

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