All grant applications for eliminating corona backlogs were granted

All grant applications for programs to help overcome the corona backlog in education have been awarded. For example, schools will use the money to set up summer schools in the coming weeks.

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Secondary education had asked for more subsidy than was available, but this was solved by drawing money from the next tranche. Get primary, secondary, special and secondary vocational and adult education schools government subsidy for programs to eliminate corona educational arrears. The subsidy scheme is based on an amount of 900 euros per pupil, which may be applied for for a maximum of 10 to 20 percent of the pupils. In total, almost 250 million euros are available.

The application only had to consist of a short description of a maximum of 250 words

The schools that wanted to qualify for the money had to submit an application before the end of June. It only had to consist of a short description of a maximum of 250 words.

When applying for the first subsidy tranche, primary education remained below the subsidy ceiling. That amounts to about 50 million euros, while the schools have applied for only about half of that amount. All applications have been accepted, just as in the other sectors. Schools must show afterwards that the money has been well spent.


Secondary education has applied for a total of 43 million euros in subsidy for the first tranche, while only 32,5 million was available. In order to be able to honor all applications immediately, money has already been brought forward from the second tranche. In MBO 64 million was available, the schools applied for 22,5 million. In adult education, the ceiling was one million euros, and 800.000 euros was requested and awarded.

Salary costs

The subsidy is intended for 'all costs that must reasonably be incurred for the catch-up and support program', such as material costs, the rental of space and for additional salary costs.

Applications for the second period, which runs from October 1, 2020 to August 31 of the next calendar year, can be submitted from August 18 to September 15.

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