TU Delft: no lawsuit against Education Inspectorate after all

On second thought, the TU Delft board will not file a lawsuit against the Education Inspectorate. This is stated in a new statement about social safety at the university.

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Social safety has been neglected at the technical university, wrote the education inspectorate in a report. There would be 'mismanagement'. The board reacted strongly and threatened a lawsuit.

The latter caused outrage. In a petition, more than 1.100 employees asked not to start a lawsuit and to take the recommendations of the inspection to heart. Also de AOb, other trade unions and participation councils saw no point in legal action against the inspection.

The board 'has listened gratefully' to the criticism. So there will be no lawsuit after all, writes university magazine Delta.

Putting energy

The board wants to work on a cultural change and now believes that a lawsuit would not promote the 'transition process'. "Let us put our energy together into improving social safety," reads a message on the website website of the TU-Delft.

The unions remain skeptical Delta reported on Wednesday. They point out that some board members will not be in their post for much longer and fear problems with continuity. 

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