Stop earlier? That does cost something

I am 61 years old and teach full-time at a secondary school. I will continue with that for a few more years, but I am thinking of stopping around the age of 64. What will happen to my pension?

Tekst Lizanne Schipper - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

Stop working earlier

Picture: Type tank

You can receive a pension from the first day of the month in which you turn sixty. So you can certainly stop a few years earlier. But your monthly pension income will be considerably lower than if you continue working until your state pension age. This has several causes.

To start with, you no longer pay a pension premium during that period and you therefore miss out on pension accrual. What really matters is that your accrued pension rights must be spread over several years. From the state pension age, ABP assumes an average life expectancy of eleven years. If you stop three years earlier, the same amount will last you fourteen years according to the calculations.

What means is that your accrued pension rights must be spread over several years

Furthermore, you will of course not receive a state pension for the few years that you retire early. The ABP offers a bridge, but that money comes from your own pension pot and is therefore also deducted from your later pension income. An example. Suppose you continue to work until your state pension age and your pension amounts to a net € 2.540 per month, excluding state pension. If you stop three years earlier, you will receive € 2.350 monthly, including the Aow bridge. After your state pension age, the monthly amount drops to € 1.770 excluding state pension.

What also plays a role is that you have to pay less tax from your state pension age, because the state pension premium expires. That makes a big difference: you pay 37.149 percent tax on your pension up to € 19,03 instead of 36,93 percent. If you stop earlier, you will still pay the higher rate and your net profit will therefore be a lot less favorable.

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