WOinAction: university staff about to fall over

Minister van Engelshoven must ensure that the number of scientists and support staff at universities is increased by twenty percent as soon as possible. "The need is very great."

Tekst Hoger onderwijspersbureau - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

burnout stress

Picture: Type tank

De AOb has this one call of WOinA Actie countersigned to the minister. Just like the FNV trade union and the participation councils of eight universities.


'There are strong signs that scientists and support staff are becoming completely exhausted', the educational organizations write. The hybrid and online education that has been provided since March 2020 has further increased the already high workload. Not only teachers, but also schedulers and secretarial staff are on their toes. In addition, people drop out due to illness, which means that those who remain are even busier.

Not only lecturers, but also roster makers and secretarial staff are on their toes

The 20 million euros that the minister previously made available for corona jobs in higher education are insufficient, the letter states. According to spokesman Willemien Sanders, lecturer at Utrecht University, much more is needed. "We just won't get there with a few extra student assistants and support staff."

Fast effect

The number of scientific, coordinating and secretarial appointments must be increased by 20 percent. Sanders expects that if the minister makes the necessary money available, it will have an effect soon.

But isn't it taking too much time now to hire and train so many new colleagues? “I think that a lot can be done when the need is great. People can go to work tomorrow and that paperwork can be ready next week. There are many people who would like to work in science, so they are not difficult to find. ”

Moreover, the crisis will continue for a while, the letter writers fear. The extra money should help to keep education going now and next academic year.

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