Calculate how much money your school will receive for workload reduction

Wondering how much money your school will receive in the coming school year to deal with the workload? Calculate it with the handy tool.

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In 2018, the unions, together with Education Minister Arie Slob, concluded the workload agreement to combat the high workload. The school teams can decide for themselves how they are going to use and can use the printing fee the tool (note: this is an excel file) see how much money their own school gets.


The tool has now been adapted to the new amounts for the next school year. Education Minister Slob reported in a letter to Parliament that 380 million euros has been made available for 2021/2022. Part of this is intended for special secondary education (VSO). Regular primary education receives 252 euros per pupil, special primary education receives 379 euros per pupil and VSO receives 505 euros per pupil.

“School teams can look at how things have gone this year with workload money and do a little evaluation,” says AObsector manager Anton Bodegraven. "Do they want to use the money again in the same way or have they run into other things? How the workload money is spent is part of the discussion about the work distribution plan."

How the workload money is spent is part of the discussion about the work distribution plan

Calculate it!

Also calculate how much your school will receive for workload reduction. What should you do? Download this Excel model and enter the brin number of your school there. The model then calculates how much budget the school will receive to deal with the high workload.

The amount of the budget depends on the number of students on 1 October of the previous school year. For 2021/2022, the number of pupils (at main and secondary establishments) as of 1 October 2020 is therefore being considered. These extra resources are structural and are provided through the budget for personnel and labor market policy.

Download: Excel model extra resources for tackling workload 2021/2022

Curious about what other schools are doing with the money? Through this link you see examples in other schools.

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