
Zuiderpark is bulging: 60 thousand teachers in action

As the estimate of the number of attendees increases, teachers and masters in the Zuiderpark in The Hague are cheering louder. “There are 50 thousand of you”, says Dolf Jansen when he steps on stage in the bright sun with loud cheers a little after one o'clock. He is supposedly late. "I was on breeding Malieveld."

Tekst Michiel van Nieuwstadt - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen

code red image

Picture: Type tank.

While the buses continue to drive in, Jansen reports the new position fifteen minutes later: 55 thousand. A little later, philosopher Lammert Kamphuis was given the honor of passing on the definitive estimate of the number of activists: 60 thousand.

It is a realistic valuation, because the field in the Zuiderpark that is reserved for the promotion is bulging. According to the police, 50 thousand people can fit there alone. The number of activists could have been slightly higher, because at least one bus from Groningen was returned this morning due to weather conditions. Another bus broke down.

Big audience

Comedian Dolf Jansen says he has rarely stood in front of such a large audience. His jokes slowly but surely improve the mood. Jansen says, "If Donald Trump had to make an estimate here, you would have been 1,2 million people."

Every time the band Diep Triest returns to the stage, more teachers start swinging and hopping. Lead singer Theo Driessen seduces masters and teachers to sing together to music by Doe Maar.


Clenched fists go up in the air for a group photo on the yell 'code red'. Masters and teachers do the haka, at first a bit miffed, then with increasing conviction. Three planes fly over: 'Give teachers what they deserve' reads one of the banners. "270 million is just a tip."

Philosopher Lammert Kamphuis receives approving grunts and applause with his plea for rewarding intrinsic value. “If I ask a hundred people who has been important in their lives, fifty will name a teacher. No one will say 'a bitcoin investor'. Why does the latter deserve so much more?”

'we want more'

The event is over around half past two. “We want more”, a single teacher chants. In a short closing word afterwards, Robert Sikkes thanks de Algemene Onderwijsbond anyone who participated in the promotion. The police also prohibited the demonstration on the Malieveld, because that location was occupied. "We wouldn't have looked after that together."

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