
Svpo: 'Directors out, supervisors in'

From three directors to one and more supervisors. At the Schools for Personal Education (Svpo), the organizational structure is being overhauled, founder Misha van Denderen told employees yesterday afternoon. He himself remains at the helm as chairman.

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Image: Editors Education Magazine

Van Denderen will also lead the newly formed management team, which consists of the school leaders of the eight Svpo branches. The new organizational structure should be completed by the end of this year.

The Svpo schools are legally separate from each other and all form their own, independent foundation. They are part of a network of public and private foundations. Administrative leadership is in the hands of a small club of directors who have been involved in the organization since 2007. Two fellow drivers from the very beginning, Erik Terheggen and Andries Tijssens, have now left. Tijssens did not respond to a request for clarification from the Onderwijsblad and Terheggen referred to the Svpo board for this.

Criticism or complaints

'While a fairly tight leadership was inevitable during the build-up phase, with the change the board can give much more room to the input of all those involved in the schools,' Van Denderen wrote in the email to teachers yesterday. 'The extra supervisors are intended to monitor the principles, but also to be able to turn to with any criticism or complaints. It is expected that the new supervisors could be appointed by May. '

The additional supervisors are intended to monitor the basic principles, but also to be able to turn to with any criticism or complaints.

The Education Inspectorate expressed rather criticism of Svpo's organizational structure, in which there is one supervisor who is part of the board. 'Although the board complies with the law, internal supervision is therefore vulnerable and can offer little counterweight. The quality of internal supervision can improve when the number of supervisors is expanded.' Many educational institutions have exchanged such a management model for a separate supervisory board years ago.

Recently announced the Education Inspectorate is investigating the network of Svpo schools, which will start this month.

Also read: The price of the small class

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