
Slob: research into the size and use of the lump sum

Minister Arie Slob (Christian Union) wants to investigate whether funding in primary and secondary education is sufficient to provide good education, and whether school boards spend the money in an efficient way. This became clear this afternoon during the discussion of the education budget in the Lower House.

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Picture: Livestream Tweede Kamer

Slob wants to use the results in the political discussion about the lump sum, the bag of money that school boards can spend as they see fit. It will take a while before a report is available, the investigation will probably be carried out next year.

In the question of whether education money is being used effectively, Slob referred to reserves, among other things in partnerships en at school boards in primary education. The Education Magazine reported on this earlier this week. The minister shared the concerns of GroenLinks MP Lisa Westerveld, who asked him about it.

I am extremely critical about the continued growth of those reserves, in certain boards really to a considerable extent.

“I am extremely critical about the continued growth of those reserves, in some boards really to a considerable extent. I understand that the PO Council itself - that is what matters in particular - is also aware that something must be done, ”said Slob. The minister is awaiting the annual financial analysis that the Education Inspectorate will complete in the coming weeks.

Teacher shortage

As expected, in addition to the lump sum, the teacher shortage was an important theme. The coalition parties want the budget for supervision of lateral entrants and the regional approach to the teacher shortage to be structurally secured. It was recently announced that Slob is a one-off twenty million has unlocked by already deploying an expected windfall within its budget for next year.

Extra money to further increase teacher salaries in primary education did not yield the debate. D66 and CDA came with a request to Slob to look, together with the social partners, at the possibilities of obtaining money from the so-called performance box for salary improvement from 2020. Paul van Meenen (D66), submitter of the motion: "That performance box is a very vague agreement." According to co-petitioner Michel Rog (CDA), the money is not going well now.

People have been appointed from these resources. What you are proposing is an increase in workload.

This performance box is intended for educational innovation and is mainly used to appoint staff. The proposal therefore met both parties with critical questions from, among others, coalition member VVD. Rudmer Heerema: “People have been appointed from these resources. What you are proposing is an increase in work pressure. " SP Member of Parliament Peter Kwint was especially annoyed that the expectations set last night a NOS message were awakened, cannot be redeemed. "A dead sparrow," said Eppo Bruins of the Christenunie coalition party.


Traditionally, a cartload of proposals and motions was the political harvest the debate. Some more promising than others. GroenLinks proposed to give MBO students a title, just like graduates in higher education. That would contribute to their social recognition, Zihni Özdil argued.

But he did not get a foot in the door with Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (D66). Not even for an investigation into the support for it. "This social recognition is important, but titles are not at the top of my list of priorities." She said she received no signals that there would be a longing for a title in MBO. It does, however, want to improve the international recognition of MBO diplomas.


Van Engelshoven will also look at the financing of real estate at universities. D66 MP Van Meenen tried two days ago to provoke a debate about the reserves in scientific education, but wrongly concluded that there was 2,8 billion in money on the shelf. A significant part of that amount is in real estate. He was reprimanded from SP MP Frank Futselaar, who also questioned the buffers himself. "We find each other in that, but this way you put us at a disadvantage."

The fact that the Vsnu is providing this guide indicates that there is scope.

Yet it turned out to be not so bad. It has also not escaped Van Engelshoven that universities have seen their capital position grow considerably in recent years. She has heard from the university umbrella organization Vsnu that it will review the reserves, she said. "The fact that the Vsnu is making this guide indicates that there is scope."

The minister also wants to investigate whether it is sensible for institutions to set aside a lot of education money to pay for renovations and new construction entirely out of their own pocket. You do have a point, she said to fellow party member Van Meenen. "How can we achieve the most efficient use of resources?"

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