Primary education and employers join actions vo

De AOb-members in primary education join the campaigns in secondary education. Employers in secondary education are also taking part in the campaign.

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The wage offer of the cabinet is completely insufficient to pay the salaries in secondary education. And therefore also insufficient for a pay increase for fellow teachers in primary education, says AObdirector Thijs Roovers. “We have fought for years to close the wage gap between primary and secondary education. That finally worked out last year, so we are not going to accept that backlogs will arise again this year. From now on we will move together. Their pay rise is ours – and vice versa.”

The last thing we should do is make the teaching profession less attractive by not paying enough

The education unions AOb, FNV, CNV and FvOv will perform next week on May 25 action together in secondary education. On five places in the country signatures are handed over to politicians. This happens late in the afternoon, so as not to disrupt the final exams.


Employers in secondary education have joined the action. “Formally, we negotiate with the employers about wage increases,” says AObdirector Jelmer Evers. “But the employers get their money back from The Hague. And the employers also believe that they do not receive enough money to make a good wage offer.”


The will therefore also close on May 25th AObmembers in primary education. “And if further actions follow, we hope that fellow trade unions in primary education and employers in primary education will also participate,” says Roovers. “Then we will form one front.”


And the latter is very much needed. Roovers: “Every day, students are the victims of the teacher shortage. The last thing we should do then is make the teaching profession less attractive by paying insufficiently. Cabinet, come across the bridge: it is ultimately about the future of the Netherlands.”

In this video, administrators Thijs Roovers and Simone Fomenko explain why primary education will join the actions:

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