Primary and secondary education staff receive corona rapid tests

In about a week, the first boxes of rapid tests will arrive at schools in primary and secondary education, Minister Arie Slob writes. Teaching staff can then preventively test themselves for Covid-19 at home up to twice a week. Free and on a voluntary basis.

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At the beginning of May, this form of preventive testing must be 'rolled out nationally' in primary and secondary education, according to Minister Slob. Last Friday he sent two about this letters to schools and school boards in primary and secondary (special) education.


In primary education, the tests are only intended for teaching staff, and are purely preventive. In case of complaints that may indicate Covid-19 contamination, the teacher or support worker simply has to go to the GGD test street.

If there are no complaints, staff can test themselves for corona at home up to twice a week. Is the result of such a preventive rapid test - the Ministry of Education calls it a 'self-test' - positive? In that case, too, the person in question is requested to have himself tested by the GGD. As confirmation of the result, and because the GGD can then start the source and contact investigation.

De PO Council writes that childcare staff can also receive rapid tests, provided that the childcare takes place in a school building.


The same applies to teaching staff in secondary education. From mid-April, teachers and support staff can voluntarily test themselves preventively at home twice a week. In this sector, rapid tests are also used for students in what the government calls 'risk-based testing'. In the event of an infection of a teacher or a student, define the GGD three types of contacts: roommates, close contacts and other contacts. Pupils and staff who fall into the third category 'other contacts' can soon be tested directly at school, under supervision. Parents or guardians must give permission for pupils up to the age of 16.

Rapid tests have added value for the continuity of education


In recent months, various schools in primary and secondary education have participated in pilots with corona rapid tests at school. These pilots showed that rapid testing, in addition to the existing measures, has added value for the continuity of education, the minister writes. Possible infections are detected early, which prevents outbreaks.

The same pilots also show that there were legal and organizational problems that made testing in the schools themselves difficult. Especially if a lot of schools are going to do it. The minister therefore asked a group of experts for advice. This group Van der Zande suggested on 23 March to start working with self-tests in education and business.


The result of the preventive home test is confidential. Staff are not required to share this with the school, but are requested to do so. Schools do not keep records of who does or does not have corona. However, the school must inform students and other staff in the event of an infection. The minister advises to appoint a permanent contact person within the school to whom test results are passed on.

You will find detailed information about the self-tests in the letters from the minister.

Also read: 'AOb: better protect education personnel during corona'



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