New phone number AOb, this is how you can reach us

The phone number of the AOb changes. The 0900 number disappears. From 2 August you can reach our employees via: 030 – 298 95 99 to ask questions. Until 27 August on workdays between 10.00 a.m. and 14.00 p.m., and then again every working day between 08.30:17.00 a.m. and XNUMX p.m.

Tekst algemene onderwijsbond - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen

overwhelmed phone

Picture: Type tank

Do you have a question, for example about your collective labor agreement, about working conditions, positions or an impending labor dispute? Submit them to our employees. Through MyAOb you can always ask your question or via info@aob.nl Always state your name, address and membership number, then our employees can help you quickly.

Questions related to corona? Also check our FAQ about this.
Information about the National Education Programme? Check out our special page.


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