Enough room for debate and development? Education Inspectorate initiates investigation

Higher education should pay attention to ethical and social questions. But is that also sufficient? The Education Inspectorate is not reassured and will investigate further.

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It has been in law since 1960: universities and colleges 'pay attention to personal development and to the promotion of a sense of social responsibility'. On request outgoing minister Van Engelshoven, the Education Inspectorate investigated the actual situation.

Many institutions attach great importance to themes such as sustainability, diversity and equality of opportunity, the Inspectorate writes, and organize activities around them. But only half of the students feel encouraged to participate, according to a survey by the Inspectorate.

Moreover, the debate is apparently not conducted freely everywhere. It is true that 86 percent feel free to express their opinion, but 5 percent do not (at all). That's just thousands of students.


A good 'institutional climate', as the Inspectorate calls it, also includes flourishing employee participation. But interest in it has been declining for years. Add to this the fact that social safety within institutions leaves a lot to be desired here and there. All in all, the Inspectorate doubts whether higher education is indeed a place where everyone learns to freely express their opinion.

The Inspectorate doubts whether higher education is indeed a place where everyone learns to freely express their opinion

The Inspectorate wants to get a 'clearer picture' of the institutional climate and has announced follow-up research. This is in addition to the ongoing research into social safety at art schools and the rest of higher education.

Monitor lower limit

In her response, outgoing minister Van Engelshoven emphasizes that in addition to the freedom of expression of students, academic freedom must also be guaranteed. “This means that lecturers can freely conduct their research, publish their findings and teach – even when it concerns sensitive subjects or when students find it difficult to agree.” After all: “Education also includes confrontation, debate and difficult conversations.”

According to her, the government should in any case monitor the lower limit. For example, discrimination in higher education is unacceptable and, in extreme cases, the minister can deprive an institution of its authority to award degrees.

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