Education demands 12 percent wage increase - otherwise strike in September

De AOb and the fellow trade unions are submitting a wage demand of 12 percent to the cabinet for primary and secondary education. If there is no good offer for wage increases by June 16, strikes will follow in September.

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A 12 percent wage increase is needed for primary and secondary education staff. That is what the collective unions think AOb, CNV, FNV and FvOv. They have one ultimatum sent to the cabinet. “Inflation is sky-high and the teacher shortage continues to increase,” says AObdirector Jelmer Evers. “You really can't solve the teacher shortage by letting wages in education rise less than inflation. On the contrary."

Our profession is the most beautiful in the world, but must also remain attractive in terms of salary

To reinforce that demand, the unions launched Thursday, May 25 action across the country. Protest signatures were presented to administrators everywhere, in Amsterdam, for example, to alderman Marjolein Moorman and in The Hague to minister Dennis Wiersma.


“In about four hundred secondary schools, a total of approximately 16.000 teachers and support staff have signed a protest,” says Evers. "And new lists of signatures are still coming in. Logical: the people in education just want a decent wage increase."

Pay gap

Also the primary school colleagues join the action. “We have fought for years to close the wage gap between primary and secondary education,” says AObdirector Thijs Roovers. “We finally succeeded last year. We are not going to accept that backlogs and differences will arise again this year. From now on we will work together with secondary education. Their pay rise is ours – and vice versa.”


Roovers: “Let's save the most beautiful profession that exists. Our profession must also remain attractive in terms of salary. What has been offered to date in terms of wages is completely insufficient. If there is no good wage offer on June 16, there will be strikes in September.”

Read the ultimatum letter here

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