
Contribution AObmembership indexed

The membership fee for it AObmembership will increase as of January 1, 2022. It concerns an indexation of 25 cents for working members.

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The general meeting of the AOb determined the new contribution amounts today. Working AObmembers will pay 25 cents a month more for their membership from next year. The indexation is necessary because of the increased prices and applies to all memberships.

Teachers, support staff from scale 9, directors and freelancers pay a total of 1 euros per month from 2022 January 18,35 to be a member of the AOb. Members with a salary below the minimum wage and educational support staff up to and including scale 8 will now pay 20 cents more, which means that the contribution for this group amounts to 13,15 euros per month.

For retired members of the AOb 1 euros per month will be written off from 10,75 January, an increase of 15 cents.

Adjusted prices

Category As of January 1, 2022 Current price
Teacher, professional from scale 9, management and self-employed person 18,35 € 18,10 €
If salary below minimum wage 13,15 € 12,95 €
Educational assistant up to and including scale 8 13,15 € 12,95 €
Retired 10,75 € 10,60 €
Retired or receiving benefits with income below minimum wage 6,80 € 6,70 €
Benefit Entitled 10,75 € 10,60 €
Outside of education 10,75 € 10,60 €


Employer contributes

Working members can annually reclaim a large part (30 to 50 percent) of their contribution. This year too, this is possible until November 1.

Read more about reclaiming membership fees

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