Confusion about settlement on pay slip in vso

The last pay slip of June causes confusion for several employees in VSO. They see that the labor market allowance they received will be canceled and there is suddenly a 'settlement' on the pay slip. AObdriver Thijs Roovers explains how it works. “None of the VSO employees hand in anything. This is purely an administrative act that you do not notice in the wallet.”

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Picture: Nanne Meulendijks

With the latest collective labor agreement for primary education, which also includes VSO, the pay gap has been closed with secondary education. For VSO employees, this means that from then on their labor market allowance also lapsed. Roovers: “That makes sense, because this allowance was once established to come closer to the salary in secondary education. But that has now been arranged for everyone with the closing of the pay gap.”

No chargeback

At the AOb Several questions were received from colleagues in VSO about their pay slip in June and the termination of the labor market allowance. They wondered: surely that allowance could not be reclaimed for the months January to May 2022? The employers' organizations and the unions had explicitly written this on their sites. Roovers: “As far as we can ascertain, that has not happened. We have no signs that boards have reclaimed this.”

Vso'ers with questions about their payslip can contact the unionso that we can check your pay slip

What the confusion is in is the word 'settlement' as VSO employees can see on their pay slips in June. What's up with that? June is the month in which VSO employees see their new salary on the pay slip. From now on, everyone will receive the new salary based on the new salary scale and therefore earn the same as colleagues in secondary education. In almost all cases, this new salary is higher than the old salary, including the VSO labor market allowance. That is why a supplementary payment will be made once in the month of June for the missed salary from January to May 2022.

Double up

But at the same time, it also concerns a settlement of the additional salary for the months January up to and including May 2022 and the allowance received for those same months. This correction is necessary because otherwise VSO employees will receive the new salary, including supplementary payment, plus the allowance. And that is double. Roovers: “I regret that it was not explained more clearly beforehand. VSO'ers with questions about their pay slip can contact the union, so that we can check your pay slip.”

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