
AOb: 'No more parents in schools'

"Fortunately, the cabinet has decided to keep education open as safely as possible. This includes that parents should stay outside the schools as much as possible." That says AObchairman Tamar van Gelder in response to the new corona measures announced by the cabinet tonight.

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Image: Press conference / Central government

The cabinet has chosen to keep education as open as possible, and hardly any measures for schools were announced at the press conference today. The only exceptions are MBO, HBO and WO: there will be a maximum group size of 75 students in the coming weeks.


Additional visitors – such as parents – entail additional contamination risks

“We are relieved for all our pupils and students that education can still remain open, so that we can continue to teach physically,” says Van Gelder. “Teaching online during the first lockdown turned out to be a very limited alternative. This has led to disadvantages and great concerns about our pupils and students.”

In addition to the current measures, Van Gelder would like to see parents banned from schools from now on, just like during the first lockdown. “Education must remain open as safely as possible. And extra visitors – such as parents – entail extra risks of infection. Moreover, we regularly hear that teachers have to enter into discussions with parents who, against all guidelines, still bring their heavily coughing child to school. That is really asking too much in this day and age."


In addition, the ventilation of the schools must be brought up to standard quickly. Van Gelder: “Good ventilation at all institutions should have come a long way by now. It is irresponsible that this is only in order at 40 percent of schools.”

booster shot

Finally, it must be urgently investigated whether teaching staff can also be eligible for a booster shot. Van Gelder: “Care comes first, of course. But teaching is a crucial profession. Patients can't miss ICU nurses, and students can't miss teachers."

Questions about education in times of corona? look at our frequently asked questions and answers where you can see a handy overview per education sector.

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