AOb opens reporting point for poor ventilation in MBO, HBO and WO

Complaints about insufficient ventilation in your ROC, college or university? Report them via info@aob.NL. "As long as there is no separate reporting point for MBO, HBO and WO, we will bundle the questions and complaints," says AObchairman Tamar van Gelder.

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piqsels ventilation

Picture: Piqsels

'Occasionally a janitor with a CO2 meter comes into the room. The device is then held in the air for ten seconds near the door, and it always gives a lower score than the standard of 1200 ppm (parts per million). Quite wiede, if you measure at the open door to a corridor full of fresh air.'

That's one of the reactions that the AOb came in about insufficient ventilation in MBO, HBO and WO.

I only stay below the permitted CO2 standard with a maximum of five students in my classroom

Last week, the government opened a hotline for complaints and questions about ventilation of school buildings in primary and secondary education: RoomOK† “We had to wait a long time for that,” says AOb-chairman Tamar van Gelder. "But it's finally here."

Labor Inspectorate

However, there is still no place where people can go with complaints and questions from MBO, HBO and WO. "As long as there is no reporting point for people from those sectors, we will tackle this as" AOb yourself,” says Van Gelder. “We will be registering and bundling the complaints ourselves for as long as possible. And we bring them to the attention of the minister, the executive boards of these institutions, politicians and the Labor Inspectorate. Because that ventilation must be in order everywhere: not just in primary and secondary education.”


'In our school, the windows of all classrooms cannot be opened', a teacher emails. He put his own CO2 meter in the classroom, and it rarely if ever gave a score below 1200 ppm. 'That will only work if there are a maximum of five students in the room. And in larger groups, the measurement sometimes rises to 2500 ppm or higher – more than twice the permitted standard.'

After five minutes the meter turned orange, after fifteen minutes it turned red. And when I treated the test with the whole class, we were on double red

A lecturer at another institution also installed a CO2 meter in his classroom. 'After about 4 minutes we went above 800 - that's orange - and after 1200 minutes we were on the border of 1800 - that's red. But the measurement kept rising: within an hour we were at 2000. We kept that value throughout the lesson - with a peak of over XNUMX when we talked about the test.”


AOb-chairman Tamar van Gelder advises all employees from MBO, HBO and WO who are concerned about ventilation and the air quality in their building to send an email to info@aob.nl† “People in secondary education also have questions and complaints about ventilation. The government must ensure that necessary steps are also taken for these education sectors.”

De AOb made useful downloads with tips for better ventilation. There is also a step-by-step plan on how to improve your workplace. Go to: aob.nl/ventilation


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