
AObapp is live, put it on your phone right away

De AObapp is live. As of today, all members can download the app and put it on their phone. Download the app right away and receive news tailored to you, great events for you or easily ask a question to our employees.

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - Minder dan een minuut om te lezen


Download the app in the Appstore or Google Playstore. The app is on your phone in no time and you can get in touch with the association in an accessible way.

For example, you can easily adjust contact details yourself if you start working at another school or move. You can also set personal themes so that you only receive the news from your education sector and see the events agenda with interesting activities from the AOb. You can also sign up for this directly via the app. It is also useful that you can easily ask our employees a question over the telephone, for example about the collective labor agreement.

App for members

The app is intended for AOb-members. They can easily log in once by using the login details of the MijnAObaccount. So there are no new login details to remember.

In this way, the AOb to get in touch with members as easily as possible. Due to the corona crisis, online communication has increased considerably and has accelerated. The AOb continues to improve and update the app.

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