
The minister wants more support for participation in higher education

Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf not only wants national guidelines for the financial compensation of members of participation councils in higher education, but also for their training and support.

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Type tank time is money

Picture: Type tank

Just before the Christmas holidays, the minister responded to questions and motions in the House of Representatives in response to the report published this spring monitor participation. Member of Parliament Lisa Westerveld of GroenLinks wanted to know the status of the intention to make the remunerations for employee participation bodies more equal. Now there are major differences per institution and per faculty.

Minimum standards

Into a new one motion, who can count on a majority in the House of Representatives, Paul van Meenen (D66) pointed out that 2022 million euros will be available between 2025 and 11,5 to strengthen employee participation. This money is intended for training, support and communication, among other things. According to him, national guidelines should also be drawn up in this area, for example in the form of minimum standards.

According to Minister Dijkgraaf, talks are already being held with the student organizations and institutions about the reimbursements. “We are working hard on that. I think I will be able to say more about it in the spring.” He also wants to include the facilitation of employee participation in those discussions. “So I say yes to guidelines,” said the minister, provided that they can be implemented flexibly.

With guidelines, I fear that it will become something non-committal again

De AOb hopes that the new guidelines will be enshrined in law. Donald Pechler, sector manager for university education and research: "The current facilities for participation councils in higher education, as laid down in the Higher Education Act, are worse than what has been agreed in the Works Councils Act and the Participation in Schools Act. So what the minister envisages would be a considerable improvement. But it all comes down to how strictly this is legally regulated. It really needs to be enshrined in law, because with 'guidelines' I fear that it will become something non-committal again. advice and good intentions, unenforceable."

Led eyes

Rien Wijnhoven, chairman of the National Consultative Body for University Participation (LOVUM), says that he is pleased with any form of attention for participation in decision-making. He only hopes that the establishment of a national minimum level for reimbursements and facilities will not lead to lesser facilities in places where things are now relatively well regulated.

Wijnhoven warns that employee participation is not in good shape. “The turnout figures for elections continue to fall, it is increasingly difficult to fill seats and we are saddened to see student parties and employee factions disbanding themselves.”

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