Concerns about ombudsman independence

In the fight against social insecurity and transgressive behavior, all universities must appoint an independent ombudsperson this academic year. The House of Representatives is not completely reassured about this.

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Four in ten university employees suffer from bullying, gossip, exclusion and abuse of power, two years ago investigation of the FNV and the Vawo, the science union that has joined forces with the AOb. That had to be different. That is why last year in the dog it has been agreed that all universities will employ an ombudsperson before 1 July. Four universities have already been experimenting with an ombudsperson in their organization for some time.

But the universities are allowed to determine many things themselves, for example whether the students can also knock on the door of the ombudsperson. Although Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven called on them to opt for this, they are not obliged to do so.

Too without obligation

Written questions to the now outgoing minister show that many parties find this too informal. Noting recent cases of sexual misconduct by teachers, the ChristenUnie is afraid that students will suffer. The VVD also wants to know where students can go with their complaints. The SP is going to urge such universities to have a separate ombudsperson for students. And the PvdA points to the position of PhD students, who are often regarded as students by, for example, the University of Groningen.

There are also many questions about the independence of the ombudspersons. D66 understands that the support and backing from the Executive Board is important for their functioning, but is their independence not compromised if they are accountable to the Board?


GroenLinks also wants to know: 'What will be done if the board of an educational institution decides not to take any action while the ombuds officer advises to do so?' It must be avoided that it is 'merely an addition to a structure that is already deficient'.

The parties also ask the minister to include the ombudsman function in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act. Her answers to parliamentary questions are expected within a few weeks.

Also read: 'Ombudsman contributes to security'

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