
'We keep ABP sharp'

Pension fund ABP is investing more and more sustainably, according to the annual report that came out yesterday. This sustainable investment is partly due to the Accountability Council of the ABP, which includes trade union consultant Iris Offermans.

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Invest even less in the extraction of controversial fossil fuels, such as tar sands and shale gas. And invest more in companies that offer good social employment conditions. These are two recommendations from the Accountability Council - a kind of employee participation council of the ABP. This council includes a large FNV delegation, including a chemistry teacher and union consultant (on behalf of the AOb) Iris Offermans.

Will pensions be cut already?

The first question often asked of Offermans at birthdays and parties is whether the pensions will be cut. But that is not what the Accountability Council is about. “We especially have a lot to say about ABP's investment policy and the way in which the fund communicates with the participants. You can see us as an advisor: we keep ABP sharp. ”

ANW compensation

Chemistry teacher Iris Offermans is a member of the ABP Accountability Council.

An important topic of the past year was the aftermath of the abolition of the ANW compensation (General Surviving Relatives Act), and the communication about this. Especially that communication could be better, according to the Accountability Council. Furthermore, ABP is increasingly taking sustainability into account when investing, but it is still investing in the extraction of controversial fossil fuels. “There is still room for improvement there,” says Offermans.

Finally, the Accountability Council also puts its hand in its own bosom. “We met twelve times a year in a hotel,” says Offermans. “At our request, ABP has found a cheaper location. We believe we should set a good example, especially now that pensions are under pressure. ”

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