
Recruitment film primary school in Amsterdam is a hit

The recruitment video to attract teachers to the Amsterdam primary school De Wereldboom has been picked up nationally and internationally. Parents who want to help the school find teachers made the video. “You are shocked that education cannot be taken for granted,” says parent Marleen Kerssemakers. "You want to do something."

Tekst Karen Hagen - Redactie Onderwijsblad - - 2 Minuten om te lezen

hkc-the-world tree

Image: HKC De Wereldboom / Johan Bosgraaf

'I will be an acrobat', 'I want to become a janitor later', 'I will be a pilot', class 1/2 toddlers the video that looks slick. The last boy says he wants to become a master. 'Because we don't have those.'

At De Wereldboom in Amsterdam they are also suffering from the teacher shortage, school leader Ine van Vuuren already said in June last year know. Parent Kerssemakers also sees it. "We see that the school has great difficulty in finding teachers and is sometimes forced to use expensive temporary workers." This April a teacher from group 1/2 will also leave and from February 1 there will be another class without a teacher, according to Kerssemakers. “We are concerned, to put it mildly. Fear strikes our hearts. You want a good basis for your child. ”

That is why the parents took action and made a recruitment video that highlights the Wereldboom website with vacancies. “We sat down with a group of parents. One is a cameraman, another has media contacts. This video has come out, they are our own children. ”


Last Friday, the parents launched the video. It has now been viewed more than 8000 times on YouTube, 2500 times on Vimeo and has been widely distributed on social media. So tweeted the Amsterdam Alderman for Education Marjolein Moorman the video. Attention is also paid to this outside the national borders. 'Dutch schoolchildren make video appeal amid teacher shortage ', the British newspaper headlined the Guardian. “It went fast”, says Kerssemakers. "It was even picked up in Vietnam."

Yet all the attention so far has not resulted in teachers coming forward. "The media attention is great, but we still hope that teachers are interested."
The teacher shortage is dire in the big cities. Last week the education councilors of the four major cities called on the minister to avert the education crisis and come up with structural investments.

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