Fewer HBO teachers in higher salary scale again

Fewer and fewer HBO lecturers are in salary scale 12, in which they are paid better because they would bear more responsibility. This is evident from new figures from the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences.

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According to the collective labor agreement, the pay scales in higher professional education are based on the tasks of employees: they receive a higher salary for more complex work. In the past there were about as many teachers in scale 11 as 12, but not anymore. The gap is getting wider.

The consequences for higher vocational education teachers are considerable. At the top of scale 12, they earn almost 700 euros more than their colleagues in scale 11. There is a difference of more than 1.400 euros with the maximum salary in scale 10.

© HOPS. Source: Association of Universities of Applied Sciences. Number of teachers in FTE.

On average, 11 percent of the teachers is in scale 10. We do not take into account the other teaching staff in lower scales (such as instructors) and in scale 13 and higher (for example, lecturers).

Differences of colleges

But the differences between colleges are huge. Windesheim has almost no one in salary scale 10, while Leiden University of Applied Sciences keeps one in four lecturers in that scale.

Of the large universities of applied sciences, Leiden still has the fewest teachers in scale 12, namely 22 percent. Incidentally, Leiden is catching up: until recently, the distribution there was even more skewed.

© HOPS. Source: Association of Universities of Applied Sciences. Calculated in FTEs.

Incidentally, the salary scale does not say everything about the salary slips of the teachers, because the scales overlap. For example, the maximum in scale 10 is higher than the minimum in scale 11.

The trend that fewer and fewer teachers are in scale 12 has been visible for some time. Last September, the universities of applied sciences pointed to the aging population. They had to hire new teachers who were not yet fulfilling the scale 12 duties, while older teachers were retiring.

Rise scale 11

AOb- director Douwe van der Zweep, the increase to salary scale 11 is particularly striking. “That is a success of the collective labor agreement for higher professional education, because it states that lecturers are placed in scale 11 if a master's level is requested. I see the effect of this.”

Nevertheless, the AOb calling on teachers to take a critical look at their tasks and the appreciation for them. "Don't be too modest about this and talk to your manager AOb helps members who want to have their grading checked,” says Van der Zweep. Sign up first for the webinar scheduled on this topic in September. The fact that fewer lecturers move on to salary scale 12 is 'worrying'. “It seems that development tasks are being carried out by an increasingly smaller group of teachers, while you naturally want this to be spread throughout the organization.”

Although there is now an increase to salary scale 11 and universities of applied sciences must always reward their teachers in this scale according to agreements, they do not always do so. Previously, the unions considered considered even legal action.

A negotiator's agreement for a new collective labor agreement in higher professional education was recently concluded. Read more about this agreement via the CLA page

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