
VMBO stackers are not yet without barriers to havo

VMBO students who pass their final exams this school year are not yet entitled to transfer to HAVO-4 without conditions. Due to delay in legislation, schools are allowed to continue to impose additional requirements on these entrants.

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About fifteen percent of all graduates of the mixed / theoretical program of VMBO are currently moving on to 4 HAVO. The school is still allowed to set requirements for the intake, and it does. The most important requirement is that students must have obtained at least a 6,8 as the average final mark on their VMBO final exam.

However, the cabinet and the House of Representatives want to get rid of that admission requirement. Pupils with a diploma of the mixed or theoretical program of VMBO would be entitled to transfer to HAVO without hurdles, if they have taken their final exam in at least one additional general subject.

Right of transfer

This legal right to transfer was due to take effect this year, but the legislation has been delayed and will only be sent to the Lower House soon. After that, the proposal still has to go through the Senate. Introduction before the start of the next school year is therefore an unfeasible option.

Many HAVO study programs seem unwilling to scrap their entry requirements as a transitional situation. The VO Council has already pointed out that pre-vocational secondary education students with a low average exam mark are clearly more likely to remain in HAVO or drop out.

In Amsterdam, 21,6 percent of the students on the mixed / theoretical learning pathway transfer to HAVO

According to the Education Inspectorate, there are also large regional differences in the flow of VMBO students to HAVO. In Drenthe and Overijssel there is little stacking (12 percent), in North Holland more (19 percent) and in the four large cities the students stack the most. With Amsterdam at the forefront: there 21,6 percent of the students on the mixed / theoretical learning path transfer to HAVO.

If the right to flow through takes effect, the number of stackers will increase, the inspection writes in the State of Education. "The schools are then faced with the task of streamlining the transition and of preventing failure or dropout."

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